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Promote your scholarships in the ‘Education UK Scholarship Promotion Package’ to Vietnamese students

In Vietnam, scholarship is a key deciding factor in students’ decision making process when choosing to study in the UK. The ‘Education UK scholarship promotion package’ provides a good opportunity for UK institutions to use scholarship as an important marketing method to recruit Vietnamese students for Sep 2016intakes.

British Council Vietnam first launched the package in 2015 and received very positive responses from students in the country. It has been featured via 5,000 booklets of ‘Financial plan for study in the UK’ which were highly demanded and completely delivered in Education UK Exhibition - October 2015. Following success of the package in 2015, we will print 3,000 booklets more and would like to call for participation from UK institutions.

Benefit to UK institutions:

The ‘Education UK scholarship promotion package’ is a cost effective approach offering UK institutions a great opportunity to have direct engagement with target audience through multiple distribution channels:

  • 3,000 booklets “Financial plan for study in the UK”, to be distributed from March to September 2016
  • Online marketing channels:
  1. Education UK Vietnam website at www.educationuk.org/vietnam, which has an average 4,500 visits per month;
  2. Monthly Education UK E-newsletter sent to a database of 9,000 prospective students.
  3. Facebook page “UK in my eyes” of the British Council Vietnam at www.facebook.com/NuocAnhTrongMatToi, which has over 68,000 members.

Advertising opportunities will be given to 10 UK institutions having a specific scholarship programme for Vietnamese students in September 2016 intake, with total scholarship value of no less than GBP2,000.

Please find attached the Proposal and Application Form

Application deadline: 15 February 2016

Action Required

If you would like to participate in “Education UK scholarship promotion package”, please express your interest by completing the below application form and return it by 15 February 2016