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Promote your institutional “employability” initiatives in British Council Vietnam PR campaign

In Vietnam market, “employability” has become one among top concerns of students and their parents in choosing an overseas education destination. ‘Employability’ plays the most important part when potential students consider about the value-for-money benefit of an overseas study course.

To improve a thorough knowledge among Vietnamese potential students about UK institutions’ efforts and initiatives in enhancing employment prospects of graduates, British Council Vietnam would like to call for the participation of UK institutions in a PR campaign called “Education UK – Expanding your horizons”. The campaign aims to expand the understanding of potential students about diverse activities that UK institutions have been doing to deliver employment outcomes, for example:

- Providing a career-focused curriculum in which career preparation is integrated into the curriculum, and students are equipped with skills and knowledge required by businesses through institution-industry close links

- Providing work experience within the course through a work component, internship or paid work placement

- Providing lifelong learning programmes to reskill existing employees

- Providing career advice services for students, including supporting international students to be well-prepared and ready to work when they return home

The PR campaign will be running from September 2016 to May 2017 on both digital and publication marketing channels such as:

- A series of advertorials and video clips introducing UK’s institutions efforts and initiatives around ‘employability’ theme

- A series of video clips featuring UK alumni in Vietnam who have been successful in their careers, either running their start-up businesses or working for reputable businesses

- A handbook (or E-book) guiding Vietnamese students on different aspects of employability of UK education

- UK Alumni talks at key evens in which alumni share their experience of employability benefits they have been enjoyed in their UK courses

The PR campaign will be linked to key education marketing events that the British Council Vietnam run throughout the year 2016/17 such as Education UK Exhibitions, UK STEM Lecture Tour, the MBA and Business Postgraduate Fair…

We would like to call for the participation of UK institutions in this PR campaign, by providing specific case studies of how ‘employability’ initiatives have been implemented in your institutions. The attached application form provides guidance on type of information we expect from UK institutions. Participation is free of charge and British Council Vietnam reserves the right to choose most appropriate information from UK institutions for the PR campaign.

Action Required

Interested UK institutions are advised to fill in the attached application form and send back to the British Council Vietnam.