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Promote to French students at Figaro/L'Etudiant Study in the UK week

Reach out to one of the EU’s biggest markets for incoming students to UK universities through this virtual event run by France’s number one education media platform.

Figaro/L’Etudiant is a weekly and monthly supplement to France's leading national newspaper La Figaro, with its own website. It is the number one media point of reference dedicated to students, including those who wish to pursue their studies in higher education. The British Council has partnered with Figaro/L'Etudiant for several years to support UK universities in taking part in their university fairs.

Figaro/L'Etudiant Study UK Week is a one-week online platform for French students to find out about study in the UK. 

By participating, UK universities gain:

  • Direct access to one of largest EU markets for incoming students to UK universities,  including their database of all attendees who can be contacted throughout and after the fair
  • Huge visibility on France’s number one higher education and media platforms, including the Figaro/L’Etudiant and Campus YouTube channels, with 575,000 followers
  • Joint creation of video content, which can be reused: Figaro/L’Etudiant will work with you to create a 20 minute video interview or workshop showcasing why students should come to your university
  • A full page in their digital study guide.

The event runs from 14-21 November 2020.

Participation costs EUR 3,700 before VAT (+ EUR 300 before VAT with translation in French of your video).

More information is available in attached PDF. 

Action Required

The deadline for applications is 2 October.

To apply, please contact Caroline Fayolle from Figaro by email (cfayolle@figarocms.fr) or phone (+336 87 78 64 07).

You can also contact Philip Malcolm (philip.malcolm@britishcouncil.fr) in the British Council's team in France.

STUDY IN THE UK 2020-2021.pdf423.98 KB