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Procesa 2016 - Opportunity for Promotion of Engineering Programs

Procesa 2016 is an annual event organized by the National University of Colombia (UNAL) targeting over 250 students, graduates and researchers in chemical engineering and related careers.

This Biological and Chemical Engineering study fair seeks to expand the range of opportunities for development of professional in this field.

UK Universities are invited to promote student mobility to their campuses and share information on subject areas mentioned above. A local representative knowledgeable in this area may be sent on behalf of a UK delegate.

Dates: 26th to 28th April 2016

Time: 14:00 - 16.30

Participation fee*: GBP 350 (VAT Exclusive)

*Fee includes: Welcome pack and table & chair in an assigned area within the Fair space for 3 days.

Doesn't include transportation, meals or any related cost.

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, 19th April 2016

Enquiries contact: siemcolombia@britishcouncil.org.co or +57 3219090 ext 9145

Action Required

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, 19th April 2016

Enquiries contact: siemcolombia@britishcouncil.org.co or +57 3219090 ext 9145