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Prepare to promote and nominate your alumni.. the Study UK Alumni Awards, opening soon

The Study UK Alumni Awards 2019 will be launching on 4 September, with the option for alumni to apply themselves, or be nominated by someone else. Nominations close 28 October, applications close 11 November.

This is an excellent opportunity to raise the profile of your institution and your outstanding alumni, celebrate their success, and the impact that a UK education can have – as well as reconnecting with your alumni and discovering new and inspirational stories.

As in previous years, alumni who’ve been nominated will receive an email with a link to their nomination and the rest of their application, which they’ll need to complete before 11 November. We suggest getting your nominations in early to give your alumni as much time as possible to complete their applications.

All of the details about this year’s awards are available on the Study UK website. A link to apply or nominate alumni will appear on the site on 4 September.

We have a pack of materials to promote the Alumni Awards (including marketing and promotion information, images, film, email newsletter templates and coming soon, our social media schedule and copy). If there’s anything that you need urgently, please let us know. We’ll also have additional content after the 2018 global winners’ visit to the UK, w/c 10 September. 

The Alumni Awards will continue to be promoted on Study UK social media (Instagram, twitter and Facebook), so please do follow along, and like and share the posts with your alumni.

The above message has also been sent via email to all UK HEIs’ alumni teams.

Action Required

For further details or resources, please contact AlumniAward@britishcouncil.org.