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Pre-departure briefing in Singapore - please invite your offer holders

British Council Singapore will be holding our annual Pre-departure briefing for all students heading to the UK on Saturday 22 July 2017, from 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm. This will be a great opportunity for students to get some advice on their final preparations before flying out to the UK later this year. In addition to a series of seminars covering useful topics such as visa application, students will also get the opportunity to speak to representatives from relevant organisations and participating student society groups.

Here’s why students should attend:

1. Useful presentations packed with practical tips:
- British Council on preparation and settling in
- UK Visas and Immigration on visa application
- UK Singapore Students Council on life in the UK

2. Speak to representatives from the relevant service providers to find out how they can help students in their preparation. For example, students can learn more about insurance, flights, student accommodations or staying in touch with fellow Singaporeans.

3. Get to chat with the Year 2 and 3 students and meet other freshers heading to the UK. Booths include:
- Singaporean Students Societies at the various UK universities
- Special interest student groups

4. Simply register and students will stand to win one of three British Airways economy class tickets to the UK.

It's an afternoon of information-packed seminars, alongside exhibition booths by the service providers and student groups.

Please share the event information with students from Singapore who will be commencing study at your institution this year.
More information at our British Council website -

Action Required

Please encourage the students to sign up for the event before 20 July 2017.