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  • Please invite your agents: Registration for Education UK Certificate online training is now open in Thailand

Please invite your agents: Registration for Education UK Certificate online training is now open in Thailand

British Council Thailand is offering a great opportunity for counsellors and agents to gain and develop knowledge about UK education in order to help them advise their students who are seeking to undertake education in the UK.

The British Council Agents Certificate online programme is very well-known and has trained over 5000 advisors since 2005.

The call for applications to the Education UK Certificate for Agents course is now open. We recommend that educational institutions in the UK inform their education agents in Thailand to join this training programme.

The 8-week online training will enable you to:

• Effectively promote education in the UK and provide high-quality information, resources and services to potential international students.

• develop your skills in finding the information you need and in regularly updating your knowledge

• enhance your career prospect if you are not in the sector but would like to become a UK education advisor

• Qualify for a certificate that you and your organisation can benefit from since it is well-recognised by all the UK institutions including British Council accredited language schools, boarding schools, colleges, universities, UCAS and also for prospective students seeking advice for study opportunities in the UK.

Note: A certificate is awarded to the candidate undertaking the course, and NOT the agency he/she is employed at.

Further details about the training and the application form can be downloaded below. Please forward this opportunity to your agents in Thailand.

Action Required

Registration deadline is on Thursday, 28 September 2017. You representative can send the application form to suchaporn.to-nuan@britishcouncil.or.th or if they'd like to know more details they could also either email or call Suchaporn at +662 014 2218