PhD Workshop China 2023

Join us at the PhD Workshop China 2023 in Beijing and Shanghai, from 18–21 November.

Hosted by the China Education Association for International Exchange, this event is an opportunity for international universities and research institutes to showcase their PhD programmes and interview Chinese candidates.

About the event

The PhD Workshop China is a platform for overseas universities and research institutes to expand recruitment by presenting of their PhD programmes to top Chinese postgraduates and PhD candidates. There are also opportunities to conduct in-depth interviews and face-to-face meetings with China’s top talent. For the past ten years, the event has proved to be an effective match-making workshop by connecting delegates and candidates face to face.


1. Find outstanding PhD candidates: the Chinese government is funding around 10,000 exceptional PhD candidates from top universities throughout China for overseas PhD study or research. The PhD Workshop China is the perfect place to find these talented individuals.
2. In-person interviews: with international travel becoming more feasible, this in-person event in Beijing and Shanghai provides a unique opportunity for face-to-face interviews with candidates for your PhD programmes and research projects.
3. A platform for success: feedback from past delegates shows that 75 per cent of attendees plan to come back in 2023. This makes the PhD Workshop a reliable platform to target PhD students.
4. Smart iSchedule appointment system: the PhD Workshop China’s iSchedule system enhances communication between professors and candidates by allowing delegates to preview and screen candidates, and schedule face-to-face interviews.



Date & time

Early bird (before 30 June)

1st delegate

2nd delegate


18 Nov  09.00–17.00
19 Nov  09.00–12.00




21 Nov  10.00–17.00



* Every two delegates are regarded as a preferential group, so the second delegate is charged at half price.

Download the event brochure and a PDF version of the registration form below.

Please also share this invitation with other potential attendees.

Action Required

phd_brochure_2023.pdf4.76 MB
PhD_Registration_Form_2023.pdf603.64 KB