PhD Workshop China 2012

The PhD Workshop China 2012 will be staged from 24 to 25 November 2012 in Beijing.

Highlight of the unique features for this year:

  • the promotion will directly target on 6,000 post-graduates from State 985 and 211 Project Institutions from various disciplines in line with the China Scholarship Council sponsored “State-funded Postgraduate Overseas Study Program”;
  • iSchedule system and online appointment mechanism will help you pre-select and track the right candidates to allow you to carry on in-depth interviews;
  • Wi-fi at the fair venue allows you to access your own institution's website in real time, to share with candidates.

In 2011, the PhD Workshop China had some 1300 students from 29 provinces throughout China, among them , up to 90 per cent were from State 985 Project and 211 Project institutions, 74 per cent Master Degree students, 14 per cent PhD Candidates and 89 per cent will be ready for PhD study in next two years.

Action Required

For registration and details, please visit

Contact Person details:

Harden DANG      
Senior Project Manager
Management Office
China Education Expo (CEE) 2012
PhD Workshop China 2012   
Fairlink Exhibition Services Ltd.
Rm.1105, Tower B, SOHO New Town, No.88 Jianguo Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, P.R.China
Tel: +86-10 8580 0791/90/87
Fax: +86-10 8580 0786