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PhD Scholars Recruitment Indonesia: Opportunity to be on the List of Suggested Universities for Newton Fund British Council’s Upcoming PhD Scholarship Programme

The Newton Fund through British Council is inviting UK Universities with maritime and marine sciences related programs to express interest in being on the list of suggested universities for British Council’s upcoming PhD scholarship programme. British Council together with its national partner, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, will be launching the NEWTON – RISTEKDIKTI DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME IN MARITIME AND MARINE SCIENCES in mid-June 2017 offering 5 to 8 scholarships.

The Newton Fund Indonesia is an official collaborative development programme between the UK and Indonesian Government in the area of research and innovation.  The 7 year programme, with up to £10 million UK funding for Indonesia was launched in 2014.

The British Council is the programme delivery partner for the Newton Fund specifically for the people pillar. The British Council in Indonesia is working in partnership with a number of relevant Indonesian government organisations and funding bodies to deliver programmes that benefit Indonesian researchers. At the moment, the Newton Fund Indonesia is the official partner for Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MRTHE) to deliver UK-Indonesia Science & Technology Fund. This partnership was launched on 23rd of March 2016.

Newton Fund Indonesia is an integral component of the Newton Fund, is a part of the UK’s official collaborative development programme. From its first launch in 2014, the Newton Fund has committed to provide £735 million globally until 2021. Newton Fund operates in fifteen countries, including Indonesia, to develop partnership in science and innovation promoting economic development and social welfare of developing countries.

The British Council is working alongside other key UK organisations to deliver the Newton Fund. The other UK delivery partners are International Unit UK, Innovation UK, Royal Society, Academy of Medical Sciences, Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), RCUK, Medical Research Council, British Academy, Met Office and Academy of Medical Sciences.



  • Income  through student recruitment
  • University profile raising
  • Leveraging relationships with Indonesian national government

Areas of Responsibilities for the Two Collaborating Parties

The UK Universities:

Immediate confirmation to participate in the offers. Contribution should include: 1)PhD student recruitment, 2) Supervisors for Indonesian scholars.        

Newton Fund Indonesia:


            Note to consider: Newton Fund will provide a 3 year full tuition fee.

UK Universities will be listed in this programme guidelines which will be circulated in RISTEKDIKTI’s website, reaching to all registered Indonesian academics.


5 – 8 Indonesian scholars will receive unconditional Letter of Acceptance for PhD programme and confirmation on research supervisors.

Who should involve in this project?

The parties that should involve in this project are the admission office and/or Professors in Marine and Maritime Sciences.

When should the project take place?

Our target is to send 5 – 8 PhD scholars with intake during 2017-18 financial year (the maximum

intake is on period March 2018).


The maximum intake is on period March 2018

*The deadline for UK universities to submit the expression of interest is 15 June 2017.

How to participate

Please send your expression of interest by 15 June 2017 to Femmy.soemantri@britishcouncil.or.id (please cc Grenti.paramitha@britishcouncil.or.id), with the title “EoI for PhD Scholars Recruitment”.

Expression of Interests should include:

  • University profiles
  • Programme Study specifically in marine and maritime science
  • Information on general cost for PhD students (incl. tuition fee)

Action Required

How to participate

Please send your expression of interest by 15 June 2017 to Femmy.soemantri@britishcouncil.or.id (please cc Grenti.paramitha@britishcouncil.or.id), with the title “EoI for PhD Scholars Recruitment”.

Expression of Interests should include:

  • University profiles
  • Programme Study specifically in marine and maritime science
  • Information on general cost for PhD students (incl. tuition fee)