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Peru - English language teaching for teacher trainers in HE institutions

Are you an organisation with proven experience in and capacity for, delivering English language teaching programmes for teacher trainers?

The Peruvian Ministry of Education (MINEDU) is seeking an institution specialized in the delivery of English language teaching programmes aimed specifically at teacher trainers, for the execution of a project to train 50 English teacher trainers from the Institutes of Higher Education Teacher Training in Peru, to be carried out 50% face-to-face and 50% in virtual format.

The training will take place during a 5 month period from August to December 2015.

Action Required

Bids must be submitted to UKTI Education by 17.30 on Wednesday 5 August; they will then be forwarded to MINEDU. ‘Soft copy’ in PDF format will suffice. MINEDU will then make a decision on the allocation of the work.

To support organisations in deciding whether to bid for this opportunity or not, UKTI Education will be holding Q&A tele-conferences in the week beginning 27 July. Should you wish to participate, and for a copy of the Terms of Reference, please email caroline.wallace@ukti.gsi.gov.uk.