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Peru - Delivery of training to Peruvian teachers of English- "Winter Schools"

UK organisations are invited to bid to provide the tutor team to deliver one or more of these winter schools, to be held in Lima and 4 other cities in Peru.

The wider context for this work is a commitment by the government of Peru to the country being ‘bilingual in English’ by 2021 and the allocation of significant resource to this ambition over the period to 2021. The UK and Peru signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Education Co-operation to support and facilitate this work in November 2014.

The UK organisation’s task is to deliver a highly effective learning experience for the Peruvian participants, with a focus on strengthening and developing the methodological and intercultural skills of English language specialism teachers. At the end of the programme, all participant teachers should take the Cambridge English Teaching Knowledge Test.

Winter schools will assemble on Sunday 26 July and end on Friday 15 August. Participants will not return home at the weekends during the programme. Please note, following the completion of the training, the chosen institution will be required to deliver a virtual accompaniment programme for at least three months, in accordance with the teachers’ needs identified during the face-to-face training.

Full board and lodging and airport transfer will be provided for UK teams in Peru.

Participants will be drawn from a group of teachers with a minimum level of English of B1 according to the CEFR.

Action Required

Bids must be received by 13:00 on Friday 5 June and should be addressed to Caroline Wallace at caroline.wallace@ukti.gsi.gov.uk, who will collate them and forward them to MINEDU. ‘Soft copy’ in PDF format will suffice. Prior to submitting your bid, contact Caroline for more information regarding terms of reference.

MINEDU will have made a decision on the allocation of this work by Monday 15 June.

As help to organisations deciding whether to bid for this opportunity or not, we will be holding two Q & A tele-conferences this coming Monday, 1 June, at 14.00 and Tuesday 2 June at 14.00. Dial-in details are available from Caroline, with whom organisations should please register their interest. 

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