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Partnership opportunities with leading Vietnam higher education institutions

The Vietnam revised Law on Higher Education effective in 2013 covers areas not previously mentioned in legislation e.g. institutional autonomy, quality assurance, international cooperation, university research mission, university mission in science and technology, national and regional universities, university classification and ranking and private universities. The universities are given a greater degree of autonomy in defining their strategic move toward on many important aspects like planning, opening and closing units, new programmes, financial management and staffing. International partnership development plays an important role at universities in these areas. The government of Vietnam continues to provide support on capacity building and human resource development through overseas PhD scholarship programme and research funding.

British Council Vietnam is sending a senior education delegation from the three leading universities in Vietnam to the UK in June, and looking for a university in London to host a visit on 3 June 2015.

The main aims of the visit include:
- Understanding the mechanism of the UK university governance
- Getting a briefing about the quality assurance for higher education in the UK
- Learning from research development at a UK university
- Sharing Vietnam priorities in higher education, and opportunities to work in collaboration with top Vietnamese universities.

The list of delegates, their brief profile and collaboration needs can be found in the file attached.

Expected support from the host university

1. Arrange for a meeting with UK senior management board to share about university governance, quality assurance and research development. (Please note that the British Council Vietnam will also invite QAA to deliver an hour briefing about QAA mechanism in the UK)

2. Arrange for a tour to the university

3. Arrange for a networking lunch for the Vietnamese delegates with related management, academics and research staff of the university.

Action Required

Universities who are interested to host the delegation can send email to Phi Phan, Higher Education Manager, Partnerships via Phi.Phan@britishcouncil.org.vn ASAP and by 15 May 2015.