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Partnership funding opportunity - Apply for the Sino-UK Higher Education Research Partnership for PhD studies now!

Sino-UK Higher Education Research Partnership for PhD studies is now launched! It is a good opportunity to engage and develop your PhD joint initiatives with Chinese universities.

On behalf of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills of the British Government (BIS), Welsh and Scottish Governments and Ministry of Education of P.R. China (MOE), British Council China and the China Scholarship Council are pleased to invite applications for funding to support research partnerships and exchange of PhD students between UK and Chinese institutions.

The programme will sponsor 28 partnerships from December 2012 to December 2014 with a maximum grant of £36,000 for each partnership from the British Government and a separate fund for the partnership for Chinese universities from the Ministry of Education. UK universities based in England, Wales and Scotland and Chinese Project 211 universities are eligible to apply for the programme. The deadline for receipt of applications is 10 September 2012.

Action Required

If you are interested in the opportunity, please download the PDF document for details.

To apply for the research partnership funding please complete the application form which can be downloaded from www.britishcouncil.org.cn or www.csc.edu.cn.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 10 September 2012.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail yvonne.yang@britishcouncil.org.cn.

Guidance Notes.pdf137.14 KB
Application Form.doc191.5 KB