Paid opportunity for Academics - Colombian Summer School

The University of La Salle in Colombia is hosting a summer program called “International La Salle Summer Academy”. This is an initiative where visiting lecturers from accredited institutions around the world come to Bogota, Colombia to give interdisciplinary short term courses addressed to international and national students in the months of June and July.

The International La Salle Summer Academy at the Universidad de La Salle welcomes more than 1300 students from Colombia and about 15 countries and offers academic faculty:

  1. A stipend of COP 3,400,000 (approximately US$1,100) per course provided by Universidad de La Salle
  2. Airfare (economy class) costs to and from Bogotá covered by Universidad de La Salle
  3. Single room accommodation on campus with other faculty from Europe, South and Central America, and the United States provided by Universidad de La Salle

Faculty who are interested in applying (deadline Feb 15, 2019) for this opportunity to teach in Bogotá, Colombia are invited to view more information on the website of Universidad de La Salle - Bogota (click here) ... and also asked to complete the online application from Universidad de La Salle (click here) where you are asked to provide:

  1. Contact information
  2. A brief bio
  3. Identify if the course is for undergraduates or graduates
  4. Title of the course
  5. With what part of the summer's theme the course is linked: Citizenship, citizenry and ethics
  6. Brief description of the course in no more than 250 words: course description, methodology and evaluation of your course
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