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Opportunity for your students: Experience Japan Exhibition 2019 in London on 23 November

Following the resounding success of last year's event, the Experience Japan Exhibition is back for a ninth year. The event will introduce the various exciting opportunities to study and conduct research in Japan. The aim of the event is to further the internationalisation of the UK student body by showcasing the various options available to experience Japan, and so to boost student exchanges between the UK and Japan.

The Exhibition, which is being hosted by Keio University (Japan) and co-hosted by the British Council, will take place on Saturday 23 November at the Royal Society in London.

The focus of the event will be the provision of information on the various programmes of study offered by the 8 Japanese education institutions and several Japan-related organisations. There will also be a chance to find out about the variety of scholarships and research funding available to enable students to take advantage of these learning opportunities. The seminar line-up offers participants the chance to learn about the basics of life in Japan and hear directly from people with experience of studying and researching there. Guest speakers will also be delivering presentations that provide insights into Japanese language and popular culture, and there will be a special seminar on the ever-popular Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme.

Participation is free. For further details, please visit the event website. http://www.experience-japan.jp/

We would be grateful if you could forward the event website link and the attached flyer to any colleagues or students who may be interested in the exhibition. We feel the event will be of interest to university, college and secondary school students of all levels and disciplines, particularly those studying areas related to Japan and East Asia or those with an interest in establishing research ties with their Japanese counterparts.

Action Required

The exhibition is free of charge but those who pre-register will receive a special gift. For further details, please visit the event website. http://www.experience-japan.jp/

EJE_flyer2019.pdf2.95 MB