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Opportunity for a UK institution to develop joint bachelors and masters programmes in oil and gas engineering with a university in Southwest China

Southwest Petroleum University (SWPU) is looking for UK partners to develop:

1) Joint 3+1 / 4+0 bachelor degree programmes in the following subject areas:

  • oil and gas exploitation engineering
  • oil and gas drilling engineering
  • oil and gas storage and transportation engineering

2) A joint postgraduate programme in oil and gas engineering following a 1+1+1 model. The first and third year at Southwest Petroleum University, and the second year at the UK partner university. It’s expected that students will graduate with two masters degrees, one from SWPU and one from the UK partner university.


This is an opportunity for a UK institution with strengths in oil and gas engineering to become a strategic partner with one of China’s leading universities in the subject area of oil and gas engineering. The partnership will help to build its brand awareness in China, which may support future business opportunities, such as teacher training and curriculum development, as well as student exchanges and recruitment.

Areas of responsibilities for the two collaborating parties:

UK partner

The selected UK partner will be expected to develop a joint curriculum for the course, support the recruited students in learning English during the programme, and provide support in the quality assurance of the joint programme.    

Southwest Petroleum University

SWPU will be responsible for gaining approval for the joint programme from the Ministry of Education, recruiting students for the programmes, providing qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching premises and logistical support, and providing support in the quality assurance of the joint programmes.

About SWPU

Founded in 1958, SWPU is located in Chengdu, Sichuan. It was originally supported and administered by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC). Since 2000, SWPU has been co-administered by both Sichuan Province and CNPC, with 28,684 full time students and 1,456 teaching staff.

SWPU has 23 doctor’s degree programs, 85 master’s degree programs, and one key discipline program in oil and gas engineering. It has established the Sino-Canadian Training Center for Natural Gas Exploration and Exploitation. At national level, it has one key laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, the Natural Gas Exploitation Engineering Research Center, and the Oil Field Petrochemical Engineering Research Centre. It has a number of national key disciplines, including:

  • oil and gas exploitation engineering
  • oil and gas drilling engineering
  • oiland gas storage and transportation engineering

Action Required

UK colleges and universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by Monday 25 September 2017. Please provide a one-page introduction of your organisation, highlighting relevant experience and strengths in running joint programmes in the listed subject areas. 


25 September 2017

Deadline for expressions of interest

13 October 2017

Feedback to be provided to UK institutions