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Opportunity for a UK institution to deliver a two-week winter programme for students from Shanghai, China


A leading consulting and education company is looking for a UK education partner to co-design, deliver and manage a two-week winter programme in January 2018 for 30 young learners aged 12-18.


This is a leading consulting and education company that provides a wide range of services to a substantial and diverse client base including corporations, financial institutions, governments and individuals. Founded in 2010, the firm is headquartered in Hong Kong and maintains offices worldwide.


The winter programme aims to utilize the UK’s expertise and resources to help young learners from middle schools in China to:

  • increase their knowledge in the fields of school level STEM education
  • experience the British culture and teaching methodologies
  • contribute to their personal development by improving their English skills, communication skills and leadership skills.


1) Programme elements:  the two-week programme should include:

A. Weekend excursions to places of historical interest in the UK eg. London, Cambridge, Oxford

B. Well-designed courses or activities in the following areas from Monday and Friday, with a minimum of 5 learning hours per day:

•  STEM education

•  communication, leadership development and personal development training

•  social activities including drama, music, dance, design, football etc.

2) Participant profile:

This programme will target students aged from 12 to 18 in Shanghai. Participants will be arranged in two groups of 15 according to their ages.

  • Group 1 for students aged 12-15, with a greater focus on improving communication skills, cultural experiences and STEM education at the basic level,
  • Group 2 for students aged 15-18, with a greater focus on improving their leadership skills, developing their creativity and STEM education at advanced level.

3) Programme period

The winter study programme should be two weeks (14 days) in length, starting from mid-January, so as to coincide with Chinese school holidays.


The study programme should accommodate 15 students per group and be delivered within a maximum budget of 20000 RMB (approx. 2300 GBP) per participant, which should include meals, tuition fees, accommodation, tickets for visiting sites and local transportation.


Each student shall receive a certificate and/or academic report from the UK institution upon completion of the programme.

Requirements for UK Institutions

UK institutions interested in this opportunity must be accredited by the UK government and British Council.

Action Required

How to participate

UK institutions interested in this opportunity are requested to submit your proposal to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn  no later than 09.00 am (GMT) on 30th June 2017:

•  A one-page introduction of the institution, highlighting relevant experience and strengths in running similar short programmes

•  An outline proposal and a quotation for the winter programme covering all costs, including tuition fees, facilitates, academic lessons, activities, accommodation, meals and local transport and excursions etc.

The British Council will charge a £1,000 management fee as a service commission, which is payable by the proposal winner.


30 June 2017

Deadline for submission of proposals

15 August 2017

Selected UK partner to be confirmed

30 September 2017

Completion of negotiations and signing of a cooperation agreement