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Opportunity for UK HEIs to Present and Exhibit at IB Pre-Universities Symposium on 22 April 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia


The International Baccalaureate (IB) is currently offering an opportunity for UK institutions to present and exhibit at IB Pre-Universities Symposium on 22 April 2017. The outcomes of this programme are having direct contacts and connections with IB students, parents, Head of IB schools, college counsellors and IB teachers. Currently, there are 52 IB schools in Indonesia and the number is growing.

UK HEIs will be able to build direct contacts with IB stakeholders. This programme will also enable parents and students to be able to learn more about the UK institutions and how they recognize IB Diploma as the admission requirement and/ or if there is any scholarships available. Basically for UK institutions, it will build partnership with schools and direct contacts with IB students and parents.

Areas of Responsibilities for the Two Collaborating Parties

The UK institutions will need to pay a participation fee*, which will include exhibition table, 2 presentation slots, lunch and refreshments.

*please contact us for further details


To have direct contacts and connections with IB students, parents, Head of IB schools, college counsellors and IB teachers.

Who should involve in this project

UK Higher Education Institutions

Action Required

How to participate

Please send your Expression of Interest (EoI) with the title “EoI for IB Pre-Universities Symposium, Jakarta Indonesia” to :

Meinanda Chudahman
Sr.Programme Manager, SIEM
British Council Indonesia

The EoI should be received at the latest on the 10th of March 2017

We will convey your EoI to The International Baccalaureate (IB). Further arrangement and correspondence will be made directly with them.