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Opportunity for UK boarding schools to partner with a Japanese foundation which will provide scholarships for high school students

Opportunity for UK boarding schools to partner with a Japanese foundation which will provide scholarships for high school students

A new Japanese foundation which will be established by the founder of the JAC Recruitment Group is planning to establish a funding scheme for Japanese students to study A-levels at UK boarding schools for 2 years after graduating from high schools in Tokyo. The foundation is now looking for a partner UK boarding school to host 2 – 3 funded students.

Brief profile of the foundation and the scheme:

The foundation will be established by the Founder and Director of the JAC Recruitment Group, Mr Tadayoshi Tazaki. Mr Tazaki himself studied A-levels at a UK Boarding School almost 50 years ago and after graduation moved on to study at the University of Cambridge. Based on his experience he believes in the excellence of UK education and he wishes to help young Japanese people have similar experiences. The scheme has been designed to provide English language study and funding support to selected students.

Each year, 20 students of 16 years old (1st year high school student) will be selected from Tokyo Metropolitan and National High Schools and receive intensive English language tuition plus some sessions on UK education and British culture. By the age of 18 (3rd year high school student), the candidates will be narrowed down to 5 students, who will be fully funded to study A-levels at 2 UK boarding schools. The scheme will start in 2017, and the earliest the students will enrol will be autumn 2020.

Action Required

Mr Tazaki would like to visit potential partner schools between 1 and 10 June 2016. UK boarding schools interested in partnering with the foundation and can host the visit during those dates should register their interest through the online form ( https://pro.form-mailer.jp/fms/9b1753d199437) by Monday 23 May. The foundation will then select 2 schools to visit from those that express an interest in participating.