Opportunity to showcase student artwork in Brazil

Cultura Inglese in Brazil is looking for some British artworks to showcase to visitors and students at its centres. Cultura Inglesa has 35 branches spread around two states of Brazil with 70.000 students attending English Language classes. One of their most important missions is to spread British culture in Brazil and promote British and Brazilian cultural integration.

They are looking for collections of artworks to create a travelling exhibition for their offices, and would like to loan some student or graduate artworks from UK universities. This could include paintings, photographs, or other artworks, which are inspired by British artists, language or culture. Ideally the exhibition will start in February 2014 and finish in February 2015.

Pieces need to be moderately sized because they will travel from one branch to another many times during the year and it is important that they can be easily loaded and set up.

If you would be interested in sending pieces for inclusion in the travelling exhibition, then please contact Fernanda Tonoli (cif@culturainglesasp.com.br) by Friday 11 October 2013 with details of the works and any related costs. Cultura Inglese will be happy to pay the freight costs to and from Brazil for these pieces.

Action Required

Contact Fernanda Tonoli (cif@culturainglesasp.com.br) for more information by Friday 11 October 2013.