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Opportunity for schools to host Primary 5 to Primary 6 Study Tour

Alliance Primary School, Whampoa, is planning to organise their first English exchange programme for students in an English speaking country. Located in Hung Hom in the centre of Hong Kong, Alliance Primary School, Whampoa is a Chinese medium co-ed primary school catering for Primary 1 to Primary 6.

The exchange program will commence with a study tour by around 16 students aged 10 - 12 around Chinese New Year in early 2014.

The British Council Hong Kong would like to invite UK institutions to bid to host this group, with the expectation that the hosting school would become a sister/partner school of Alliance Primary School, Whampoa.

Please refer to the attached tender document for further details.


Action Required

Please let us know if you are interested in hosting by returning the application form which is included in the attached tender document, by Friday 12 July 2013

For expressions of interest or queries please contact Steve Corry at +852 2913 5156 or e-mail steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk.