Opportunity to review the ASHET scholarship scheme

ASHET has since 1970 offered scholarships at MA level in ELT in UK universities as a central pillar of its charitable activity, with a spend of approximately £350K per annum. The current provision is for approximately ten scholars per year taking a 12-month MA in one UK university. The scholarships are for teachers from low income countries and marginalised contexts who are likely to play a key role in developing ELT in their countries/contexts. We wish to identify ways to develop the scheme so that it reaches the target group more effectively and has greater impact on teacher development, and on ELT in schools and classrooms in institutions of all kinds.

In addressing these particular issues, we wish to review the scholarship scheme as a whole, consider how the current approach can adapt to recent developments in English Language Teacher Education (ELTE), and meet the requirements of our mission in a changing world. We are looking for a detailed framing of current and emerging ways in which we can use scholarships as an effective part of our charitable activity, in line with the values set out in Section 2 below.

 We envisage a desk-based review of approximately 10 days, carried out by a consultant with experience and expertise in the area of masters level ELTE programmes, particularly in relation to marketing and recruitment in low-income countries and marginalised contexts. The review should deliver a written report and the consultant should be available to present this to ASHET Trustees if required.

Specific terms of reference (TORs) for review of the ASHET scholarship scheme

  1. To undertake a desk-based review of currently available MA-level courses in ELTE world-wide in order to identify
    1. Ways the current scheme could be diversified to include, for example: i) online courses; ii) part-time courses, and iii) courses outside the UK. 
    2. Measures and procedures for identifying suitable course providers (FT /PT; online; distance study) in ELT.
    3. Administrative challenges and costs (course fees; living costs) of setting up and managing the different options.
  2. To provide a written report to ASHET trustees by 6 December 2019.
  3. To attend a meeting of ASHET Trustees to present and discuss proposals in early 2020.

Criteria for evaluating applications to undertake this review:

  1. knowledge of the global English Language Teacher Education (ELTE) sector; (Weighting: 40%)
  2. experience of scoping, planning and completing reviews and consultancy in this or related fields; (Weighting: 40%)
  3. Cost (Weighting: 20%)

For further background information on the ASHET scheme, please see the attached document.

Action Required

Expressions of Interest, with CV, summary of relevant experience, including details of any involvement with ASHET, approach to the task, and costings, by 4 October 2019 to Maria Graczyk at Maria.Graczyk@britishcouncil.org

We may wish to explore proposals further in an online conference in October.

For further information, please contact Richard Kiely, ASHET Trustee – rkiely47@gmail.com

Scholarships Review TORs FINAL.docx22.25 KB