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An Opportunity to Raise your Institution’s Profile in the Field of Social Enterprise

An Opportunity to Raise your Institution’s Profile in the Field of Social Enterprise

British Council (Thailand), in partnership with the Social Enterprise Office, a national body that supports the development of the social enterprise sector in Thailand, is delivering a new “Social Enterprise Scholarships for Thai Academics” initiative. This scholarship scheme aims to build capacity for university academics with the eventual aim that they will be able to run social enterprise courses and/or potentially be social enterprise movers at their respective universities.

The Thai Social Enterprise Office will set up a financial support scheme, as one of a series of capacity-building initiatives, offering scholarships for Thai university academics who would like to conduct social enterprise courses and/or become social enterprise movers at their institutions. In order to achieve this end, selected academics will be invited to pursue Master’s degrees in social enterprise or social entrepreneurship at a UK higher education institution, commencing in the academic year (September) 2016.

Supporting this scheme will be a 3-pillar collaboration between British Council (Thailand), the Thai Social Enterprise Office and selected Thai universities. British Council (Thailand) will call for expressions of interest from UK universities offering either MA or MSc courses in social enterprise and social entrepreneurship and who are willing to offer a discount in tuition fees of 30% or more. The Thai Social Enterprise Office will then cover the remaining 70% of tuition fees, and the position for the academics in question will be secured by their home institution in Thailand, following graduation. The Thai university will also contribute towards living costs during the study period for successful candidates. UK institutions participating in this scheme will be included in a national scholarship scheme for the promotion of social enterprise, and will receive opportunities to promote their courses and institutions to the Thai market.

Action Required

Institutions interested in this opportunity should write to Pasiwat.Sutthirak@britishcouncil.or.th by Wednesday 15 July, 2015