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Opportunity to promote an innovative fashion curriculum related to AI to 500 fashion professors in Korea


This is an opportunity to deliver one of the keynote speeches at an online conference jointly organised by the Korean Society of Costume and the Korean Society of Fashion Business with the theme of "Artificial Intelligence vs Artistic Intelligence (AI vs AI)". It will be live-streaming through Youtube and Zoom on 24 April 2021.

The chosen institution will be required to submit a 30-minute filmed/recorded Zoom presentation by a faculty member of the fashion department about the topics such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) and fashion curriculum; how the fashion industry uses/plans to use AI; how the fashion curriculum responding to the related changes; what are the opportunities/challenges ahead for the changes; and etc.

This opportunity will allow the institution to promote their innovative fashion education responding to the development of AI to 500+ fashion professors and professionals in Korea.


Benefits to the UK Institution

The participating institution can;

  • raise the overall profile of the university/college
  • promote innovative fashion curriculum of the university/college
  • explore partnership opportunities with universities in Korea
  • build a network with the members of hosting organisations


Action Required

If you are interested in the opportunity, please send the title of the presentation and bio/photo of the speaker to yoonjoe.park@britishcouncil.or.kr by 25 Feb 2021.

Please note that the event organizer will review all the applications to chose the most suitable one for their event and directly contact the chosen institution for further process. It would help to include a brief outline of the presentation to be selected.


Application Deadline

25 Feb 2021


Responsibilities of Chosen Institution

  • Submit the presentation material (PPT or PDF file) for the conference brochure by 31 March 2021.
  • Submit a 30-minute filmed/recorded Zoom presentation by a faculty member of the fashion department about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and fashion curriculum; how the fashion industry uses/plans to use AI; how the fashion curriculum responding to the related changes; what are the opportunities/challenges ahead for the changes; and etc. by 9 April 2021.


Further Enquiries

For any enquiries related, please directly contact Yoonjoe Park, Director Arts of British Council Korea, at yoonjoe.park@britishcouncil.or.kr.


Action Required

If you are interested in the opportunity, please send the title of the presentation and bio/photo of the speaker to yoonjoe.park@britishcouncil.or.kr by 25 Feb 2021.
For any enquiries related, please directly contact Yoonjoe Park, Director Arts of British Council Korea, at yoonjoe.park@britishcouncil.or.kr.