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Opportunity to present on webinar for US college counselors, 29 May 2019

We are seeking one university to join as a co-presenter on a webinar with UCAS and the British Council for US college counselors on Wednesday, 29 May.

The co-presenting university will have 10 minutes at the end of the webinar to comment on the webinar topics from their institution’s perspective and highlight their university’s undergraduate courses and resources for counselors and international students. The participating university rep will also help to answer counselor questions at the end of the presentation along with the UCAS rep.

The co-presenting university will also receive one e-shot featuring information of their choice about the university which can be used to highlight the university's undergraduate courses, resources for counselors and upcoming US visits that will be distributed to the British Council USA counselor database of 3,861 independent and school counselors before the webinar.

Sign-ups for the webinar are first-come, first-serve.


This webinar series follows on the success of the 2018-19 webinar series for counselors. Four webinars were produced between May 2018 and February 20189 in collaboration with UCAS. A total of 175 counselors participated in the webinars and 6 UK institutions co-presented.

By building an increased familiarity with and knowledge of the undergraduate application process among US college counselors and prospective students, the webinars aim to have a positive impact on the application-to-enrolment conversion rate and grow the number of applications to the UK.

The digital format also allows for a broad geographical reach in a highly dispersed market.

Participation fee

There is a £1,200* participation fee which includes co-presenting on one webinar and receiving one bespoke e-newsletter to the USA counselor database. The fee will cover distribution and promotion of the webinar, a report following the webinar and the leads from the webinar.

*Not including VAT


The webinar will be promoted via the British Council USA counselor database and through professional organisations such as the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC).

Benefits to UK institutions

  • Opportunity to engage directily with participants in a British Council USA and UCAS webinar with 10 minutes at the end of the webinar reserved for participating institution to discuss webinar and promote their resources and courses 
  • University logo placement on webinar slides and British Council USA event page
  • Bespoke university content featured in 1 e-newsletter to USA counselor database of 3,861 independent and school counselors
  • Increased online brand visibility among US college counseling sector
  • Build relationships with college counselors across the US. Participating institutions will receive the leads from the webinar

Responsibilities of participating universities

Participating UK universities are encouraged to provide the below:

  • Presenter for webinar (speaking roles will be divided between UCAS, British Council and the participating university)
  • Content for e-newsletter with a focus on university resources for counselors and international students during the application process (e.g. counselor or student listservs, Facebook groups, university-specific information sessions or webinars, upcoming US visits, scholarships for US students, etc.)

Action Required

Please contact Jenna.Hartsell@britishcouncil.org if you are interested.