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Opportunity to Participate in ‘Chongqing Flyers’ Promotional Campaign

A large-scale media marketing campaign called “Chongqing Flyers” was launched on 18 June 2015. The campaign, which will run for two years, will promote Chongqing through the use of unique stories about more than 500 individuals with strong connections to Chongqing, including:
• Individuals who were born or grew up in Chongqing and are now studying or working outside of Chongqing;
• individuals whose parents or ancestors originate from Chongqing and are now bringing benefits to Chongqing;
• individuals who have worked, studied or lived in Chongqing, regard Chongqing as their second hometown, and have made great achievements in their own sectors or industries;
• and, individuals who have contributed to the promotion of Chongqing and Chinese culture.

The campaign is being organised by various Chongqing government organisations, including the Publicity Department, the Information Office, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, and the Foreign Trade & Economic Relations Commission.

This media marketing campaign is a great marketing opportunity for UK universities that have students or alumni who could be featured in this campaign, as it will enhance their institutional reputation and raise their profile.

About Chongqing
Located at the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, about 1,500 km west of Shanghai, Chongqing is the main industrial city of Southwest China with a population of about 32 million. Chongqing used to be part of Sichuan Province, but has become a provincial level municipality directly under the central government. There are only three other such municipalities in China: Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. According to statistics, the number of expatriates from Chongqing exceeds 300,000 throughout the world.

Action Required

UK universities that are interested in this opportunity and have good cases to present should contact the Chongqing Flyers campaign directly. For more information and to register, please visit http://cqr.cqnews.net/index.htm (Chinese language), or contact zmtxcqr@126.com