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Opportunity to meet IIE rep to learn more about Generation Study Abroad initiative

Are you interested in learning more about the Institute for International Education (IIE)'s Generation Study Abroad initiative and are you based in the London area? Lindsay Calvert, Lead for Generation Study Abroad, will be in London from 7 - 8 September and is available to take meeting requests.

Generation Study Abroad is an initiative, launched in 2014, of IIE to mobilize resources and commitments with the goal of doubling the number of U.S. students studying abroad by the end of the decade. IIE is investing $2 million in the initiative and seeking funds to provide scholarships to college and high school students and grants to institutions. The initiative, which is timed to coincide with IIE's centennial in 2019, will highlight IIE's commitment to study abroad and encourage purposeful, innovative action to get more Americans to undertake a meaningful international experience through academic study abroad programs, as well as internships, service learning, and non-credit educational experiences.

IIE welcomes institutions and organizations in the U.S .and abroad who make a significant pledge to undertake new and expanded activities to enable more students to study abroad. The Generation Study Abroad network includes Country Partners, Education Associations, International Universities, K-12 Organizations, Social Networks and Other Services, Study Abroad Organizations and U.S. Universities and Colleges.

Action Required

To learn more and to send a meeting request for 7 or 8 September in London, contact Lindsay Calvert, Lead for Generation Study Abroad, IIE at lcalvert@iie.org.