Opportunity to host visiting media group from China

The British Council’s Education UK Media Tour 2015/16 is designed to showcase the UK’s leadership in education by bringing a group of selected Chinese journalists to the UK to tour boarding schools, colleges, universities and English language schools. This will inspire participating journalists to write about the UK as a study destination and provide opportunities for UK education institutions to build awareness of their brand in China.

We are asking for expressions of interest from UK education institutions to host the media group during their visit, which is scheduled from 21 February to 3 March.

Hosts will be expected to plan and provide a full-day tour, including activities that highlight their offering to international students and any success stories, such as strong support services for international students or outstanding alumni.

The British Council will make logistical arrangements and cover all associated costs, but host institutions will be expected to provide refreshments during the media group’s visit.

Following the trip, the British Council will monitor media activity and share a report.

Action Required

How to get involved?
UK institutions interested in hosting the China media group should send a breakdown of their proposed tour and activities to zhiyuan.xie@britishcouncil.org.cn by 18 December 2015.

Please note, only a limited number of institutions can be visited by the media group and we therefore cannot guarantee inclusion in the media programme. Host institutions will be selected based on their location, offering to international students, and potential to attract media interest through success stories.

Institutions will be informed of the result by 8 January.