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Opportunity for Delivery Partner: CLIL course for Chilean English Technical Professional Teachers

The British Council in Chile is looking for a UK organisation with experience in designing and delivering online teacher training to adapt and deliver a four-module (20-hour) CLIL course for a group of secondary school teachers working at Technical Professional (TP) Schools in Chile.

The CLIL course is planned to use a blend of synchronous (1 - 2 hour) and asynchronous (3 hours) learning approaches – totalling 5 hours of learning for students, per module. The modules will be delivered in March 2021.
Participants’ level of English will be a minimum of a solid B2 – CEFR.

The UK organisation will provide the learning platform and the content for the four modules, resources for students, training notes, and live delivery of the modules to the participants.

This course will be delivered in the context of a wider CPD programme that the British Council in Chile is delivering for the Chilean government´s national programme to improve English language learning and teaching in Chile. The funding is being provided through the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, FCDO, as part of its support for the English Language Network of the Pacific Alliance.

After course delivery, participants will be expected to put into practice what they have learned through the course and to cascade learning to peers from both Chile and other Pacific Alliance countries.

For more details, please see the full Call for Proposals.

Action Required

In order to participate in this call, UK institutions are requested to send the required supporting documents listed in the Call for Proposals to Deborah.sepulveda@britishcouncil.cl with the subject line “Proposal – CLIL online course for British Council Chile” by 25 January 2021.

More details can be found in the Call for Proposals.