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Opportunity to deliver bespoke science communication training for The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia

Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI) is a government ministry that has the task of conducting affairs in the field of research, science and technology in the government to assist the President of Indonesia in carrying out state.

Currently they are seeking a UK university who is capable of managing delivery of science communication training for Government of Indonesia officials responsible in managing research project in Indonesia. This training is expected to be delivered in the first week of November 2017.

Details of the training are as follow:
10 days bespoke science communication training in the UK which could cover the following topics:
• Latest development in science communication
• public engagement
• effective media engagement
• effective Integrated multi-organisations communication strategy
• Visits to relevant UK government agencies, medias and science communication institutions/practitioners.

Participants (10 people) will be sourced from various government of Indonesia research institutions such as (they are not scientists but rather communication people/project manager):
• Nuclear Energy Agency (BAPETEN)
• National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
• Agency for the Assessment & Application of Technology (BPPT)
• National Standardation Agency of Indonesia (BSN)
• National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN)
• Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)

Benefits for the UK Institutions:
• Opportunity to develop and maintain relationship with Government of Indonesia’s Ministry of Research and Higher Education
• Raise and strengthen the image of UK of partner of choice for science communication

How to Participate:
Interested UK University should send The Expression of Interest which should include:
• Expression of Interest: States your institution’s interest in this opportunity and statement of capability which outline your institution’s relevant past/current experience
• Capability Statement
• Draft Course Programme: This will be fine-tuned through conversation with the Ministry facilitated by British Council prior to programme delivery. It also include proposed institution visits (e.g. universities, catapults, science centers, museums, businesses) and include presentations from experts from various organisations
• Course fee (structured on fee/person basis): This includes accommodation, lunch during the course programme, airport pick up and transfers, and transportation to site-visits

The Expression of Interest (5 pages max) should be sent to British Council by Sunday, 17 Sept 2017 at the latest (British Council contact detail: Grenti.Paramitha@britishcouncil.or.id and +62 8118126829)

Opportunity closes in 17 September 2017
Selected UK University will be notified by 22 September 2017 at the latest
Preparation and briefing Week 4 September – October 2017
Training schedule is on October 30 – November 12 2017

Action Required

Interested UK Universities should send their Expression of Interest to British Council by Sunday, 17 Sept 2017 at the latest. British Council contact person is Grenti, you can contact her by email at Grenti.Paramitha@britishcouncil.or.id or phone at +62 8118126829.