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Opportunity for Academic Collaboration with Prasetiya Mulya University, Indonesia


Prasetiya Mulya University is currently seeking for academic collaboration opportunity with UK Higher Education sector. The university was founded in 1980 by a group of prominent Indonesian business leaders. The first MBA program in Indonesia was then established in 1982 with assistance from prestigious international scholars and experts. Today it remains the leading private business education program provider in the country, upholding the original aims of the founders to offer the highest standards in business management education and training. Being founded by members of the country's business community has ensured an effective balance of comprehensive curriculum between theoretical knowledge and practical application. In 2016, Prasetiya Mulya has transformed to become a university that has two schools: School of Business and Economics (SBE) and School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


Form of Collaboration

A Double degree Program and a direct link to Master Program (e.g. 3+1+1)


1.    Bright potential students who has foundation in Business Economics
2.    Brand exposure for UK university
3.    Diversity of the Master Program

Areas of Responsibilities for the Two Collaborating Parties
As a partner for a mutual academic collaboration, please send the following documents:

The UK University:
1.    Specified year 4th undergraduate curriculum and master program for our students
2.    Certificate of completion
3.    Opportunity for our students to gain not only academic knowledge but also field experience

Prasetya Mulya University:
1.    Students preparation
2.    Curriculum adjustment


Undergraduate program students from Business Economics program, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya can have double degree and can directly continue their master program related to Business Economics in UK universities with shorter time and several credits can be transferred.

What should involve in this project?

Business Economics Program

When should the project take place?

2019/2020 (first batch students on their 4th year of undergraduate program)


2017: Proposal and curriculum adjustment 
2018: MOU signing and Liaison and preparation
2019: The first batch of undergraduate student having their 4th year in UK Higher Institution and having master program directly

How to participate

Please submit proposal that includes:
1.    Detailed curriculum design for adjustment purpose
2.    Other forms of collaboration that the UK Universities have interest in
3.    Payment mechanism and special price that give incenitve for our students to take the Direct Link Program.


Please send your Expression of Interest (EoI) with the title “EoI for Academic Collaboration with Prasetiya Mulya University” to : 

British Council Indonesia

We will convey your EoI to the university. Further arrangement and correspondence should be made directly between Prasetiya Mulya University and UK University.

Action Required

Please send your Expression of Interest (EoI) with the title “EoI for Academic Collaboration with Prasetiya Mulya University” to :

British Council Indonesia

We will convey your EoI to the university. Further arrangement and correspondence should be made directly between Prasetiya Mulya University and UK University.