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Opportunity for Academic Collaboration with Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia


Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) is currently seeking for academic collaboration opportunity with UK Higher Education sector. Unpad is one of the largest and leading research universities in Indonesia, which located in West Java Province, with approximately 40,000 students and 17 faculties in two campuses (Bandung and Jatinangor). Unpad has developed more than 100 mutual academic collaborations with international universities around the world. More information can be found at www.unpad.ac.id and www.international.unpad.ac.id

Forms of Collaboration

  • Joint and Double Degree programme
  • Research collaboration in the areas of mutual interest to both parties
  • Student/staff exchange
  • Exchange of academic materials which are made available by both parties;
  • Exchange of scholars in the course of academic development to address problems of academic progress
  • Training programs, including degree and non-degree programs
  • Sponsorship of cooperative seminars, workshop, and other academic meetings on matters of mutual interest


  1. Increasing mutual joint research and publication
  2. More active inbound and outbound student/staff international mobility
  3. Increasing number of international students to the UK from Indonesia
  4. Free tuition fee for student exchange program

Areas of Responsibilities for the Two Collaborating Parties

As a partner for a mutual academic collaboration, please send the following documents:

1. Detailed information about :

  1. Study programs
  2. Student exchange/international student programs
  3. Field/scope of collaboration

2. Draft of MoU/agreement/proposal


  1. Joint/double degree program
  2. Joint research and publication
  3. Academic material
  4. Exchange program
  5. International conference/seminar

Who should involve in this project

1.         Students

2.         Academic Staff (Lecturer and Researcher)

3.         Administration Staff


Action Required

Please send your Expression of Interest (EoI) with the title “EoI for Academic Collaboration with Padjadjaran University” to :

British Council Indonesia

We will convey your EoI to Padjadjaran University. Further arrangement and correspondence should be made directly between Unpad and UK University.