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Opportunities for UK university students to be the Summer Camps Teachers in Hong Kong

Wofoo Social Enterprises* is looking for university students from the UK to be the summer camps teachers in Hong Kong.

Cosmopolitan Youth English Summer Camp 2020

The first Cosmopolitan Youth English Summer Camp took place in 2004 by Wofoo Social Enterprises (WSE). 2020 summer marks the 17th year of the programme. WSE aims to provide a fun-to-join, activity-based English learning experience for Hong Kong local secondary and primary students, which is to improve local students’ English speaking and listening skills, and foster mutual understanding and cultural exchange among tertiary students.

Programme details

  • Programme Duration: Total 5 weeks, 1 week for preparation, 4 weeks for summer camps (from 28 Jun to 2 Aug 2020)
  • Camp Teachers: 7 UK students work as a team to be teachers in the camps, one of them will be the team leader to support overall coordination of each camp; Each team serves at least 1 Hong Kong primary or secondary schools in one week (5 full days per week)
  • Participants of the Camps: Primary 3 to Secondary 5 of HK schools, around 120-150 students per camp (6 classes with 20-25 students each)
  • Content of Camps: Taught through fun-filled materials with different themes; Invite active participation from HK students; Events and activities such as arts and crafts, dancing, singing and treasure hunt, etc.; Closing ceremony on final day with students’ performance that reflects what they have learned.

Requirements of Camp Teachers (UK students)

  • Native English Speaking
  • Undergraduate or graduate students of universities in the UK
  • Major in education or language related disciplines, or anyone who is enthusiastic in above fields
  • Duties include preparing teaching and learning materials, and conduct lessons and activities in camps, etc
  • Interest in cultural exchange especially in British and Chinese culture
  • Interest in building friendship with different people with different culture and background

What WSE needs from the university?

  •  Appoint at least 1 university staff as a Programme Coordinator
  •  Nominate at least 6-7 students to join the programme as Camp Teachers
  •  Provide pre-departure trainings to the selected camp teachers, such as preparation for the teaching contents and materials, or psychologically preparation for UK students before departure
  •  Cooperate with the secretariat of WSE on the preparation of the programme, such as admin and financial matters, visa application for UK students, or any other logistic arrangement in UK, etc.
  •  Frequent communication with the secretariat of WSE and also the camp teachers during the summer programme

What kind of support will be provided by WSE?

UK University:

  • Maximum of GBP 8,000 will be offered to the university as an administration fee
  • Subsidies on flight ticket for ONE university staff if he/she is assigned to go to HK to assist the UK students during the summer programme (Max. GBP 200)

UK Students:

  • Flight Ticket Subsidies (Max. GBP 550 per student)
  • Free accommodation (with free WIFI) for the whole summer camp period 
  • Daily Lunch Allowance (HK$ 70 per day per student)
  • Daily Transport to and from participating schools 
  • Teaching Material Subsidies
  • Local SIM card for Team Leader
  • Visa/Entry Permit Application
  • Briefing and trainings will be held in the preparation week

*About Wofoo Social Enterprises

Wofoo Social Enterprises is a charity organization established in 1997, aims to provide not-for-profit social services in areas of elderly care, youth development, school education and community services, and strives to make joint efforts in creating a harmonious and prosperous society.


Action Required

For details, please contact Anna Lee at anna.lee@britishcouncil.org.hk