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Opportunities for a UK university to partner with a Thai university in forensic science

The Forensic Science Graduate Programme at the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, is seeking a UK partner institution interested in collaborating in the area of forensic science, initially as a series of short bilateral visits, which would then lead to future collaborations in the form of training workshops, staff exchange or establishing a research project related to forensic science. The prospective partner would also be expected to work with Mahidol University in developing a joint proposal for funding schemes such as the Newton Fund.

The University is looking for an institution that offers an accredited forensic science degree at graduate level, with instructors who are established in fields related to forensic science. There is a possibility that this collaboration could be developed into a joint/dual degree in the long term and the University may provide partial financial support as deemed appropriate once the collaboration is firmly established.

Mahidol University’s Faculty of Science is a key player in advancing scientific discovery in Thailand, and its research standards are internationally recognised at the cutting edge of scientific discovery. Approximately 400 peer-reviewed papers are published annually in reputed journals, more than half of which are first quartile journals. The Faculty is one of the most prestigious institutes for research and post-graduate training in ASEAN.

The Forensic Science Graduate Programme at the Faculty is the first and only Forensic Science International Programme in Thailand.

Action Required

For details on the Forensic Science Graduate Programme, please visit: http://forensic.sc.mahidol.ac.th
For UK institutions interested in this opportunity, please express your interest to Kantanach.Chayapong@britishcouncil.or.th by 27 September 2016.