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Opportunities for UK universities to deliver a session at two IB/international schools in Japan

Two schools in the Tokyo area are looking for UK universities to deliver an information session about their institution and to provide advice on UCAS applications in late October 2016. The timing coincides with the British Council’s Education UK Exhibition in Tokyo, which will be held on Saturday 22 October.

  • Tokyo Metropolitan Kokusai High School IB Diploma Programme
    Date: Thursday 20 October, 16:00 – 17:30 (exact end time TBC)
    Required contents:
    a) Session on UCAS applications (including advice on how to write a personal statement) and your institution targeting approximately 20 IB DP students
    b) Meeting with IB DP teachers to provide them with tips on how to write UCAS letters of reference
  • Saint Maur International School (located in Yokohama City)
    Date: Wednesday 26 October, 12:25 – 13:25 or 15:20 – 16:30
    Required contents:
    Session on UCAS applications and your institution targeting approximately 20 students who are interested in studying in the UK

Brief profile of the schools:

Tokyo Metropolitan Kokusai High School:

Tokyo Metropolitan Kokusai High School is the first public (metropolitan) school to be designated to deliver an IB Diploma Programme starting from April 2015. Currently, approximately 40 students in the 1st and 2nd years study the IB Diploma Programme. The school was originally established to provide public education for children of expats and returnees. Approximately 800 students attend their main school.

Website: http://www.kokusai-h.metro.tokyo.jp/HPmaster/eg/indexeg.htm

Saint Maur International School:

Saint Maur International School, founded in 1872, is an international school located in Yokohama City, next to Tokyo. The school offers education for qualifications including IGCSE, IB Diploma, and Advance Placement for approximately 450 students.

Website: http://www.stmaur.ac.jp/our-school/index.aspx

Action Required

Action: UK universities interested in this opportunity should submit their details through the online form (https://pro.form-mailer.jp/fms/a8debb9f101364 ) by 09:00AM BST on Thursday 30 June.

July: List of interested universities will be shared with each school
By mid-August: Each school will decide which university to invite and will then contact the university directly to arrange further details.

If you have any queries, please contact Ayako Towatari at ayako.towatari@britishcouncil.or.jp