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Opportunities to speak to over 1,000 academics and students in the annual conference organised by Thailand Cyber University Project, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, on MOOC and lifelong learning

British Council Thailand is working in partnership with Thailand Cyber University Project on their annual conference which is to take place on 22nd July 2022 and is looking for a speaker from the UK to speak in the keynote session. 

About Thailand Cyber University Project 
Thailand Cyber University Project is under Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation leading on developing and managing Thai MOOC or Thailand Massive Open Online Course Platform to support lifelong learning. There are currently 1.4 million users on Thai MOOC platform. 

About the conference 
The TCU International e-Learning Conference or IEC2022 will be organised on 22nd July 2022 with 1,000 participants expected to attend either online, on-site, or on-verse. Participants are academics, researchers, and students from universities from across Thailand particularly those interested in education technology. The recording from the conference will be promoted to wider audience after the conference. 

The theme of IEC2022 is Social Change and Future of MOOCs with the following topics to be covered: 

  • MOOCs and impact on social change
  • MOOCs and online learning in future education
  • Upskill reskill workforce
  • Role of MOOCs in shaping the future of higher education
  • MOOCs and life-long learning from providers update 2022: Platform and pedagogy
  • Metaverse and immersive technology in online learning
  • Quality of online and blended learning
  • Post COVID education
  • Other topics related to the conference theme

We are looking for a speaker from a UK educational institution to speak in the UK session in the morning (Thailand time) of 22nd July 2022. The allocated time for the UK session is 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes Q&A. The speaker can deliver their talk online. Due to different time zone, the UK session can be pre-recorded and the questions can be answered later.  

The session is to highlight the developments and new updates as well as case studies of MOOC and lifelong learning in the UK which is aligned with the conference theme. TCU is particularly interested in learning from the UK on Credit Bank System which is the new initiative to be implemented in Thailand soon to allow students to collect and combine credits both from online courses, classroom teaching and learning, professional qualifications, to receive a degree. 

How to volunteer to speak
Please fill out this online form below to tell us about your experience and the topic you are going to cover by Monday 6 June 2022 at 5 PM UK Time. The selection will be based on the speaker’s experience and profile and the relevance of the proposed topic. 

If you are interested, please fill out the application form here: https://forms.office.com/r/DGLfeMM5dN  

Further information
For any queries, please contact Uraiwan Samolee at uraiwan.samolee@britishcouncil.or.th

Action Required

Please fill out this online form below to tell us about your experience and the topic you are going to cover by Monday 6 June 2022 at 5 PM UK Time. The selection will be based on the speaker’s experience and profile and the relevance of the proposed topic. 

If you are interested, please fill out the application form here: https://forms.office.com/r/DGLfeMM5dN 

For any queries, please contact Uraiwan Samolee at uraiwan.samolee@britishcouncil.or.th