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Opportunities to raise your institution's profile with the specific group of students

A series of booklets in different subject areas will be published by British Council Thailand in order to give information to Thai students in a specific subject area or level of study and to provide opportunities for UK institutions to promote their courses specifically.

  1. Guide to UK Education: PhD Study and Research

This guidebook will give information on how to apply and choose a PhD course including how to write a research proposal. The guide also showcases innovation and advancement of research and innovation in the UK. The publication will be predominantly distributed at prominent researchers’ conferences and to Thai academics and researchers.

  1. Guide to UK Education: Art & Design

This guide will give information on studying in the specific area of art and design, such as   graphic design, fashion design. The guide will also advise students on how to apply to an art and design course in the UK and useful tips such as how to prepare a portfolio. Students will be inspired by an interview with successful UK alumni who have become famous designers.

  1. Guide to UK Education: Science and Engineering

This booklet is to showcase innovation and advancement of science and engineering study in the UK. Science is an area of study in which the Thai government has significantly invested in sponsoring Thai students and researchers to study abroad in science and engineering.  

  1. Guide to UK Education: Law

There has been significant growth in the number of law students in Thailand, and the demand and level of interest for law has consistently increased over the past three years.

This guidebook aims to give all the necessary information for students interested in studying law, focussing on career paths and opportunities, and the different areas of law, while also highlighting the advantages of gaining law qualifications overseas.

  1. Guide to UK Education: English Language Course and Teacher Training

Studying English is one of the most popular areas of study for Thai students.  This booklet will give information on English study courses in the UK, ranging from General English and English for Specific Purposes, to English Plus, and others. The guide will also include information on English Teacher Training which is expected to gain in popularity when Thailand will become part of the ASEAN Community in 2015.

General information about the booklets

Print run: 10,000 copies per subject

Specification: A5 in full colour

Contents: The guide book will be in Thai and will consist of general information on studying in each subject area, alumni interview, FAQ, and institution profile

How the subject specific booklets help raise the profile of your institution to Thai students

  • In addition to all outreach and events to promote UK education, distribution will be specifically done to ensure the booklet reaches the right target audience. For example, the PhD guide will be distributed at a researcher’s conference and to Thai universities offering PhD scholarships. The Art and Design booklet will be distributed at an art specific event and to Schools of Art in at universities across Thailand.
  • It will be an opportunity for UK institutions to highlight the course offered in a specific area and also to highlight the institution’s strength.  
  • The booklet will be in Thai, and will be able to reach a wider group of students and their parents.  
  • The booklet will be available in an on-line version and can be accessed via a mobile App or the British Council website.

Advertisement prices and details

One profile page
(in Thai)
£650 Translation fee and artwork included
Inside back cover £1,000 Get one profile page (in Thai) as complimentary
Inside front cover £1,200 Get one profile page (in Thai) as complimentary
Back cover £1,500 Get one profile page (in Thai) as complimentary

Bookings made on or before Friday 21 February 2014 will be offered 10% discount off the total fee.

Action Required

For further information or booking for an advertising space, please contact uraiwan.samolee@britishcouncil.or.th