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Opportunities to raise profile and increase customer satisfaction in Mexico

The British Council Mexico is offering UK institutions bespoke pre-departure briefings for their Mexican students joining this year.

Our experience in pre-departure briefings has shown that students need more specific guidance on the enrolment procedures in their education institutions as well as other particularities for their courses before departure. These activities will also help raising your profile amongst other aspirants as invitations to these events will be published widely through our networks.

The British Council Mexico can offer the pre-departure briefing on your behalf covering not only the advice information and guidance needed for the students to have a soft landing, but also any other information that your institution would like us to cover. We are offering a special reduced price of £250 which includes rent of auditorium, coffee break, event management, registration and invitations to be widely distributed with branding included.

We have space for four pre-Departure briefings to be held on the week of 20 to 24 August. Places will be offered in a first come first served basis.

You will need to provide a power point presentation with all the information about your institution before the date of your session.

Action Required

For registrations and more information on this service please email mx_educationuk@britishcouncil.org.mx by 10 August 2012.