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Opportunities in Peru to develop public leadership and management programmes

The Directorate General for the Quality of School Management (DIGC, by its acronym in Spanish), through one of its line directorates, the Directorate for the Strengthening of School Management (DIF, by its acronym in Spanish), has the task of determining the training needs of management personnel, designing, implementing and evaluating programs with relevant strategies, contents and modalities, as well as developing leadership in the management teams of educational institutions. To advance their mission and strategy, three invitations to tender have been issued simultaneously:

  • To produce a technical proposal for professional development and career of schools' principals
  • To design the specialization program for school principals
  • To produce a model for the management of rural multilevel schools

Action Required

All three opportunities are accessible through UNESCO:

https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/76629 (professional development and career of schools' principals)

https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/76631 (management of rural multilevel schools)

https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/76312 (specialization program for school principals)

Interested parties must contact UNESCO officer to be supplied with full tender documents and calendars. Details in the links above.