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Opportunities to meet with senior management and academic from 9 national research universities from Thailand and learn about TNE opportunities in Thailand

The British Council would like to invite vice-chancellors, deputy vice-chancellors and senior executives at UK higher education institutions, and other organisations related to higher education with an interest to collaborate with institutions in Thailand and are willing to attend a Transnational Education (TNE) conference under the UK-Thailand Transnational Education Development Project on 16 February 2017 at the University of Westminster, New Cavendish Street, London.

The event aims to share lessons learnt from the current partnerships, review what kinds of partnerships are appropriate for the future collaboration between British and Thai higher education institutions, and to share any support available to promote transnational education links between the UK and Thailand that will contribute to the increase in academic mobility at an HE institutional level between the two countries. 

This is an important opportunity to learn about the journey and fruits of the UK-Thailand Transnational Education Development Project that the British Council has been leading together with the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) and nine Thai research universities, as well as opportunities for collaboration with Thai higher education institutions.

For more information, please see the attached document.

Action Required

This event is free of charge. To register your interest, please fill out an online form in the link right here and submit by 3 February 2017.

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