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Opportunities for British students to get international exposure through the Thailand English Teaching Project 2013

The British Council is delighted to announce the opening of the Thailand English Teaching Project 2013. This unique project will bring UK students to Thailand to work as English Language Assistants in schools and colleges for an 8 week period this summer. 

The project is set up as a 3-way partnership between the British Council, the Thai Ministry of Education and participating UK HEIs.

After the successful pilot last year, we are once again seeking the support of UK HEIs to manage the initial institutional recruitment on our behalf.  The recruitment process would involve participating HEIs:

  • advertising
  • collecting applications
  • selecting and ranking applicants
  • checking references
  • sending us the final list of selected candidates.

We realise that this would require some staff capacity within institutions, but we hope that this will be offset by the benefits received by participating students and their institutions. Deadline for student applications is the 17th May 2013.

If you have capacity at your institution, we would be delighted to have you and your students as part of the programme. 

Action Required

If you are able to take part in the capacity described above, please let us know and we will send you a recruitment pack including full information for HEis and students as well as application forms and advertisements. Please note the deadline for student applications is the 17th May 2013.

Contact person:
Del Spafford | Senior Instructor – Public Education Systems
British Council  | 254 Chulalongkorn Soi 64 |  Siam Square | Bangkok 10330 | Thailand
T +66(0)2 657 5678 | M +66(0)81 984 0708
E: Derek.Spafford@britishcouncil.or.th