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  • Open Call: UK university incubator to deliver training on Social and Creative Entrepreneur in Indonesia.

Open Call: UK university incubator to deliver training on Social and Creative Entrepreneur in Indonesia.

As Indonesia progresses from 16th world economy to potentially 4th or 5th, too many people are being left behind.

Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE) is the British Council global project involving emerging countries such Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Pakistan and Indonesia plus the UK. In Indonesia DICE is working with various partners to conduct research on social and creative economy, influence policy discussion, strengthen creative hub in the city of Surabaya, and build capacity of university-based business incubator in providing supports and mentoring for their young tenants. DICE gives British Council Indonesia the timely opportunity to grow emerging social and creative enterprise projects which we are already nurturing through our current Social Enterprise agenda and through the bilateral creative relationship through the Arts project.

Development of social enterprise and the creative economy is an essential component of Indonesia’s socioeconomic trajectory of growth, and education is playing an important role. We have seen many secondary schools (SMA) converted into vocational secondary schools (SMK) offering practical skill trainings for and nurturing spirit of entrepreneurship of young people at earlier stage in their life. At tertiary education level, we have seen emergence of university-based business incubator.

We are currently planning to offer 4 days training for those who are working at university-based business incubator (e.g. manager, trainer) from across the boards (pubic-private university, Islamic university as well as polytechnic). By the end of this training it is expected that participants will be able to:
• Learn the building blocks of successful university business incubators, learning from the experiences of the UK and Indonesia;
• Upskill in areas related to social and creative entrepreneur incubation;
• Have a chance to have discussion on how to better provide services, trainings, and mentoring for their tenants to innovate and/or grow their business;
• Build networks with Indonesia and the UK university business incubator.

Benefit for UK Institutions:
• Opportunity for UK HEIs to develop links with Indonesia HEIs that have business incubators.
• Opportunity to share UK best practice in running university based incubators
• Opportunity to learn from Indonesia business incubators
• Brand exposure.

Area of Responsibility:
The UK training delivery partner is expected to perform the following tasks:
1. Together with Indonesian trainers to develop and implement the training including:
a. Develop and finalise training agenda including training schedule, methodology/approach to the training, materials/handout for participants, pre-post measurement, and other things that may be needed during training delivery.
b. Facilitate the training (2x). The two trainings (each for 4 days) are scheduled between 5-15 August 2019.

2. Provide regular reports to British Council on progress, challenges and issues during the course of this consultancy

Upon delivery of training, we may ask UK training delivery partner to come back to Indonesia to visit some of the participants and provide further mentoring on how they are getting on in managing their incubator and in providing services/mentoring to their young tenants.

Number of consultancy days:
• Preparation (including adaptation of training materials, training schedule and coordination with Indonesia trainers): up to 8 days
• Final preparation (working together with Indonesian trainers at the training venue before training delivery): up to 2 days.
• Delivery of training: 8 days (4-day trainings x 2 = 8 days)
• Report (including thorough evaluation of the training to be submitted two weeks after training delivery): up to 2 days
• Total: up to 20 days

Action Required

Interested UK institution will need to send Expression of Interest which consists of the followings:
• Cover letter: confirming the institution’s interest in this opportunity, highlighting its suitability in delivering this consultancy
• Company Profile: highlighting the institution’s capability and track record in delivering training on social and creative entrepreneur; and in providing mentoring for young social and creative entrepreneur
• CVs of two trainers/facilitators
• Fee
• Portfolio/lesson plan of training that already conducted by UK institutions

Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest: Sunday, 2 June 2019. Please send to Ambarizky Trinugraheni, Programme Manager – Internationalising Higher Education (IHE) at Ambarizky.Trinugraheni@britishcouncil.or.id