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Ontario School Counsellors - raise your profile with this influential group

Here’s a great opportunity to raise your profile among Ontario school counsellors.

The British Council Canada is producing a pamphlet, targeted at Ontario school counsellors, to introduce opportunities to study in the UK. The pamphlet will be distributed in around 500 delegate bags at the Ontario School Counsellors Association conference in early November. The pamphlet will also be posted to around 24 Ontario School Counsellors at key schools along with some Education UK material.

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to place an advert (4.25 x 5.5, full colour, 300 pixels .TIFF .eps or .pdf) or to provide a short (around 100 words) profile of your school or programme with a logo or image, to be used in the pamphlet. We would need you to provide your submission by Monday 15th October, and the cost per submission is £200.

This activity is part of British Council Canada’s School Counsellors Outreach Programme (SCOP). SCOP will aim to reach out to all high school counsellors across the country, and engage counsellors from target schools in a range of activities.

Action Required

If you would like to be involved, or if you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth McCallion on elizabeth.mccallion@britishcouncil.org