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Ningbo University in China seeks a UK partner for joint programmes in physics, microelectronics and engineering

Ningbo University (NBU) is looking for a UK university partner to develop and deliver 3+1 joint programmes in the fields of physics, microelectronics and engineering, with a view to recruiting up to 40 undergraduate students each year for each subject starting in September 2018.

Benefits for the UK partner
This is an opportunity for the selected UK partner to establish a long-term partnership with a top Chinese university and welcome a regular cohort of Chinese science and engineering students. The opportunity has the potential for expansion into other fields, such as faculty exchange programmes or joint research. It is also an opportunity for the UK partner to raise their institution’s profile and brand awareness in China, which may benefit further student recruitment.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties
The selected UK partner will be expected to work with NBU to:

  • jointly develop curricula for the joint programmes
  • provide teaching staff to teach at NBU in Ningbo
  • provide support in the quality assurance of the programmes.

NBU will be responsible for:

  • promoting and recruiting students and faculty members for the programmes
  • providing qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching and living premises and logistical support for the UK teaching staff.

Brief introduction of NBU

Ningbo University was established in 1986 and is a comprehensive university jointly administrated by Ningbo Municipality, Zhejiang provincial government and the Ministry of Education. NBU consists of 20 faculties and according to data from ESI, the two faculties of engineering and clinical medicine are ranked in the top 1% in the world for their subject areas.

The subjects of physics, microelectronics and engineering have been ranked as top priority disciplines in Zhejiang Province. In the last three years NBU has won 10 natural science funded programmes at national level and 13 programmes at provincial and municipal level. This funding has been allocated in part due to the rapid development of the microelectronics materials engineering industry in the Yangtze River Delta region.


Action Required

How to participate
UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 31 May, 2017 12 noon GMT, providing an introduction of their institution and highlighting any relevant experience and strengths in developing joint programmes in the above-mentioned subject areas.

31 May, 2017 Deadline for expressions of interest
31 July, 2017 Selected UK partner to be confirmed
30 October, 2017 Completion of negotiations and signing of an agreement between the UK partner and NBU