New Directions LATAM Webinar Series

Registration is now open for the New Directions LATAM Webinar Series.

Information about the New Directions in English Language Assessment conference series can be found here. New Directions LATAM, due to be held in Bogota has been postponed to 2021 because to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The aim of the webinars is to explore the themes of the conference and introduce some of the main speakers and presenters in order to connect colleagues, exchange information and ideas and start conversations which we can then continue at the face to face conference in July 2021.

Below are the details of the webinars and here is the registration link. Registration is free.

Webinar 1 – Friday 28th August 2020 at 10am (Colombia time)

Theme: Professionalising English Language Assessment in Learning Systems: what does this mean?


  • Beverly Baker – University of Ottawa
  • Fumiyo Nakatsuhara – University of Bedfordshire
  • Barry O’Sullivan – British Council

Webinar 2 – Thursday 10th  September 2020 at 10am (Colombia time)

Theme: Teacher Education & Training for Language Assessment


  • Dave Allan – Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE)
  • Salomé Villa Larenas – Latin American Association for Language Testing and Assessment (LAALTA).
  • Graham Stanley – British Council

The New Directions team looks forward to welcoming you to the webinars.

Action Required

Registration is free. Sign up here.