Networking with Vietnamese HE leaders in London - November 2019

From 4 to 8 November 2019, British Council in Vietnam will be organising a working visit to the UK for the UK Vietnam Higher Education Network, and would like to call for expression of interest from UK universities in two events:
1. Hosting Vietnamese delegation for an institutional visit in London on morning of either 5 or 6 November 2019
2. Joining networking event: UK Vietnam Higher Education Partnership – Building sustainable partnerships for development in the new era on afternoon of 5 November 2019

The Vietnamese delegation will include 26 HE leaders who are President, Vice President, Head/Deputy Head of International, Research, and UK Vietnam Higher Education Partnership project coordinators from 18 universities throughout Vietnam, and led by Ministry of Education and Training

Please click on the document attached for further information about the programme.

For further enquiries, please contact Phi Phan, Programme Manager Higher Education through

Action Required

Interested UK university can register their interest/participation by completing the Registration form by 10 October 2019.