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Nanjing University seeking UK partners for top-up degree programmes

Nanjing University’s (NJU) Higher National Diploma Centre is looking to expand its UK partnerships on top-up degree programmes in five core subjects.

Brief introduction of Nanjing University

Nanjing University (NJU) is one of China’s key universities under Project 211 and Project 985, which means it is part of national reforms aimed at accelerating the development of universities in priority disciplines.

NJU is comprised of 21 schools with a total of 59 departments. It offers 78 bachelor’s degree programmes, 222 master's degree programmes, and 170 PhD and post-doctoral programmes. NJU hosts fourteen laboratories and engineering centres at national level, and two provincial laboratories.

About Nanjing University’s Higher National Diploma Centre

NJU’s Higher National Diploma Centre joined the national higher education diploma programme 10 years ago and has sent more than one thousand students abroad. Currently, it offers five courses: Business with Accounting; Financial Services; Global Trade and Business; Hospitality Management, and Supply Chain Management (non-manufacturing).

Expectations for cooperation

NJU’s Higher National Diploma Centre would like to expand its offering of top-up degree programmes in the above subject areas using the following model:

Year 1: one year intensive English study at NJU
Years 2 & 3: full-time academic studies at NJU
Year 4: complete undergraduate studies in UK and receive bachelor’s degree
Year 5: optional study towards master’s degree in UK

Requirements for UK providers

UK providers should be high-ranking institutions and must be able to provide top-up degrees in the target subject areas.

Please send expressions of interest to xiaoyang.you@britishcouncil.org.cn by Friday 24 April.

Action Required

Please send expressions of interest to xiaoyang.you@britishcouncil.org.cn by Friday 24 April.