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  • Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology is looking for a UK education institute to establish a joint institute in the field of engineering

Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology is looking for a UK education institute to establish a joint institute in the field of engineering


Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology (NIIT)), with the support and partnership of the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), is seeking a UK  education institute to establish a Sino-UK joint institute to deliver bachelor degrees in the following areas: mechanical and electrical engineering, aircraft mechanical and electrical equipment maintenance, and  automobile application technology .

The final subject areas are to be selected jointly by NIIT and the UK partner.

Benefits and inputs for the UK partner:

The UK partner will have the opportunity to build a long-term partnership with a leading vocational college in China, with scope for this partnership to expand in the future and to receive financial reimbursement for their support. The joint institute will also help to raise their institution’s profile and brand awareness in China.

Expected input from the UK partner will include teaching staff, teaching resources, syllabus development and quality assurance.

About the Sino-UK Joint Institute:

The Sino-UK Joint Institute in Nanjing will be located at the Tiantang campus of NIIT. The Tiantang campus is approximately 100,000 square meters in size, of which 50,000 square meters will be the floor space for teaching facilities, teacher and student accommodation, sporting and recreational facilities etc. The Sino-UK Joint Institute, once approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education, will have autonomy to discuss and decide the detailed nature of the partnership. The Joint Institute aims to have 1,000 students in full-time study by the end of the 5th year of enrolment. Students will be conferred bachelor degrees upon successful completion of four to five years of study.

Brief introduction of NIIT:

Established in 1918 and located in Nanjing, NIIT has three campuses. Located on the three campuses are nine colleges, over 800 full-time teachers and 14,000 full-time students amongst which 150 are overseas students. With post-study employment rate reaching 97%, NIIT has been regarded as one of the Best 50 Colleges for Employment Experience in China. NIIT have set up many labs and training centers with foreign enterprises, such as Schneider Electric SA, Jaguar Land Rover Co. Ltd. and Siemens Co. Ltd. In September 2016 at the Global Conference of World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP), NIIT won the Gold Award in “Applied Research and Innovation”, the highest honour in the global vocational education field.

Action Required

How to participate

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 31 November 2017 (12 noon GMT), providing an introduction of their institution and highlighting any relevant experience and strengths in developing joint programs in relevant subject areas.


November  31, 2017

Deadline for expressions of interest

December  10, 2017

Selected UK partner to be confirmed

December 31, 2017

Completion of negotiations and signing of an agreement between the UK partner and NIIT