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Myanmar: Victoria University College (VUC) seeks UK partners for MBA and MSc in Public Health degree programmes

Victoria University College (VUC) is looking for UK partners to offer MBA and MSc in Public Health degree programmes in Myanmar. They are interested in universities that do not require work experience for both of the programmes.

Benefits for UK partners

The UK university will have an opportunity to

  • build a long-term partnership with a leading private institution in Myanmar
  • raise their institution’s profile and brand awareness among students and parents in Myanmar
  • recruit VUC students, who complete their foundation programmes, HNCs and HNDs, to study in the UK for top-up degrees in the future

Area of responsible for the two collaboration parties

The selected UK University will be expected to:

  • send teaching staffs to train faculty members and support the team on quality assurance at VUC
  • provide teaching materials to the faculty members

MIC will responsible for:

  • promoting and recruiting students for the programmes
  • providing qualified teaching staffs and facilities

Brief history to VUC

Victoria University College (VUC) was established in 2012 as an independent college under the Ministry of Commerce. It aims to empower students to achieve professional and personal success in exciting careers by providing a comprehensive and supportive educational experience. VUC is based in Yangon, Myanmar with over 3,000 students studying at four campuses. VUC offers foundation programmes offered in collaboration with South Essex College, UK, to Myanmar students who complete IGCSEs and/or the national matriculation exam. It also provides a wide range of BTECH HND courses in Engineering, Business, Health and Social Care. Furthermore, VUC collaborates with the University of Wolverhampton to deliver direct entry Top-up degree programmes in Electronics and Communications Engineering, Civil Engineering (International), Higher Education Bridging Course (Engineering), and Business Management and Mechatronics. VUC has plans to provide flexible pathways for their students to be able to choose the right education for their future. Students who complete the foundation programme, HNC and HND can choose with study with them until they receive their in-country Bachelors Degree (usually by part-time distance education in Myanmar) or go to study overseas, particularly to the UK.


It is advised that potential partners find out more about the English language proficiency of the graduate students at VUC, whether they have the potential to be able to fulfil the entry requirements of the UK partner university to get direct entry into degree programmes, or if there is a need for VUC to deliver a bridging course (developed in collaboration).

Regarding national legislation, local private colleges are registered under the Ministry of Commerce as service providers.  The  private education law, drafted in 2014, is still under consideration; when it becomes law, private colleges are expected to  be able to register as education providers , which will enable them to be part of a quality assurance structure and potentially lead to the recognition of qualifications.


Action Required

UK universities interested in this opportunity can contact Myat Lay Tint (Education Programmes Manager) at myatlay.tint@mm.britishcouncil.org by 28 February and provide a one-page introduction and institution profile covering their strengths and experience in developing and delivering articulation programmes in Hospitality and Arts and Media.


Victoria University College would like to deliver the degree programmes in MBA and MSc in Public Health this year either in upcoming September or December in-take.